Saturday, March 06, 2010

Development Books 9

David Geary, "Google Web Toolkit Solutions: More Cool & Useful Stuff"

 Prentice Hall PTR | 2007-11-17 | ISBN: 0132344815 | 

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open source Java development framework for building Ajax-enabled web applications. Instead of the hodgepodge of technologies that developers typically use for Ajax–JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and XMLHttpRequest–GWT lets developers implement rich client applications with pure Java, using familiar idioms from the AWT, Swing, and SWT. GWT goes beyond most Ajax frameworks by making it easy to build desktop-like applications that run in the ubiquitous browser, where the richness of the user interface is limited only by the developer’s imagination.
This book focuses on the more advanced aspects of GWT that you need to implement real-world applications with rich user interfaces but without the heavy lifting of JavaScript and other Ajax-related technologies. Each solution in this practical, hands-on book is more than a recipe. The sample programs are carefully explained in detail to help you quickly master advanced GWT techniques, such as implementing drag-and-drop, integrating JavaScript libraries, and using advanced event handling methodologies.

Solutions covered include
• Building custom GWT widgets, including both high-level composites and low-level components
• Implementing a viewport class that includes iPhone-style automated scrolling
• Integrating web services with GWT applications
• Incorporating the JavaScript framework into GWT applications
• Combining Hibernate and GWT to implement database-backed web applications
• Extending the GWT PopupPanel class to implement a draggable and resizable window
• Creating a drag-and-drop module, complete with drag sources and drop targets
• Deploying GWT applications to an external server
• Dynamically resizing flex tables
• Using GWT widgets in legacy applications developed with other frameworks, such as Struts and JavaServer Faces 

James J. Maivald, "A Designer's Guide to Adobe InDesign and XML: Harness the Power of XML to Automate your Print and Web Workflows"

 Adobe Press | ISBN-10: 0321503554 | December 14, 2007 | 

Is this book for programmers? Written specifically for graphic designers and production artists already comfortable working with Adobe InDesign, this book teaches you how to automate publishing without learning a lot of scary code. XML simplifies the process of moving content in and out of your layouts and can speed up any print or Web assignment.
Why should I care about XML? If you99re managing data-intensive layout projects, and you want to keep that data consistent, accurate, and up-to-date, then incorporating XML can help. You can also use XML to automate processes like importing text and large numbers of graphics into a layout, or repurposing content from one application to another. Do I need additional plug-ins or special software? You need only the powerful features built into InDesign CS2 or CS3 to use this book.

Foundations of GTK+ Development

 Apress | by Andrew Krause | 2007 | ISBN: 1590597931 | 

GTK+ is one of the most influential graphical toolkits for the Linux operating system. It is the technology upon which the GNOME and XFCE desktop environments are based, and its crucial to have clear understanding of its complexities to build even a simple Linux desktop application. Foundations of GTK+ Development guides you through these complexities, laying the foundation that will allow you to cross from novice to professional.

Foundations of GTK+ Development is aimed at C programmers and presents numerous real-life examples that you can immediately put to use in your projects. Some familiarity with C programming is assumed, as the book delves into new topics from the beginning. Topics like object inheritance are covered early on to allow for complete understanding of code examples later. And the provided examples are real-life situations that can help you get a head start on your own applications.

Paul T. Kimmel, "Professional DevExpress ASP.NET Controls"

 Wrox | 2009 | ISBN: 0470500832 | 

Learn to use Devexpress ASP.NET controls, and get $250 worth of controls included with the book

Devexpress is a leading supplier of ASP.NET controls - the addins used in ASP.NET sites. Not only does this book show you how to make the most of them with Silverlight and Ajax, reporting, calendars, editors, and charts, but you also get actual controls worth $250 on the CD-ROM included with the book.

Regardless of your level of ASP.NET expertise, this complete reference will show you how to implement many award-winning and useful controls into your ASP.NET applications. Controls save time and effort as well as adding functionality, and this book helps you take full advantage of what they offer.
Devexpress is a leading vendor for ASP.NET controls that developers can use to add features, accomplish difficult tasks, and save development and testing time
This book addresses the all-important use of controls for Silverlight and Ajax, as well as classic essentials like reporting, editors, calendars, and charts
Covered controls include reports and charts, HTML editors, menus and treeviews, gridview, and many more
Explains when and where to use controls and how to add functionality without additional development
CD-ROM includes $250 worth of Devexpress controls ready for you to use right away

With Professional DevExpress ASP.NET Controls, you'll be a step ahead in developing powerful ASP.NET applications.

MacBook All-in-One For Dummies By Mark L. Chambers

 Publisher: For Dummies 2009-11-16 |  ISBN: 0470475684 | 

MacBook All-in-one for Dummies Makes Everything Easier!

With a MacBook, you can work and play anywhere. With 9 books in 1, MacBook All-in-one for Dummies shows you how! You'll find coverage of:

•Getting started -- choose the MacBook that suits your needs, set it up, customize your preferences, and organize files and folders.
•Using Mac OS X -- learn your way around Snow Leopard, get to know the Dock, find things with Spotlight, and back up your system with Time Machine.
•Customizing and Sharing.
•Going Mobile With iLife -- explore iLife, where photos, movies, music, and your very own Web site all hang out.
•iWork For the Road Warrior -- do it the Mac way with Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, the iWork productivity applications.
•Typical Internet Stuff -- browse with Safari, store your stuff on iDisk, use Apple Mail, and iChat with friends.
•Networking in Mac OS X -- set up a network, go wireless, and use AirPort Extreme.
•Expanding Your System -- see how to add memory and connect hard drives and printers using USB and FireWire.
•Advanced Mac OS X.
Learn the basics about using and maintaining your MacBook, how to work with Mac OS X, use the iWork productivity suite, enjoy the iLife, and cruise the Web from anywhere. Plus, you'll go under the hood and explore custom scripts and tweaks to help you get more from your MacBook and troubleshoot solutions.

Jiva DeVoe, "Cocoa Touch for iPhone OS 3 (Developer Reference)"

 Wiley | 2009-11-16 | ISBN: 0470481072 | 

Join the gold rush to developing cool iPhone apps with this complete iPhone OS 3 developer’s guide. Professional developer Jiva DeVoe speaks your language, and he talks you through the entire process—from explaining Cocoa Touch and the iPhone SDK to using Xcode and the Game Kit API. Follow step-by-step tutorials, then apply practical tips on signing and selling your applications. Even if you’re new to iPhone development you’ll soon be cranking out great code.

# Walk through Xcode, Interface Builder, and other key tools
# Build simple or complex GUIs with navigation and custom views
# Implement a database with Core Data, and design your schema in Xcode
# Learn to use the iPhone’s signature multi-touch capabilities in your applications
# Work with the Apple Push Notification Service
# Use the Map Kit API to create apps with embedded maps
# Record audio, play video, and access the iPod Library
# Set up your developer certificates and code sign your apps
# Use Store Kit to sell expanded features and content within your apps

Whether you're a new iPhone developer or seasoned veteran, this book is the perfect go-to reference for iPhone development-and one of an exciting new series for Apple developers.

Neal Goldstein, "iPhone Application Development For Dummies, Second Edition"

For Dummies | 2009-11-09 | ISBN: 0470568437 | 

Making Everything Easier!

With iPhone? Application Development for Dummies, Second Edition, you'll learn to:

# Design small- or large-scale iPhone applications for profit or fun
# Create new iPhone apps using Xcode?
# Get your applications into the App Store
# Work with frameworks

Got a good idea? Turn it into an app, have some fun, and pick up some cash!

Make the most of the new 3.1 OS and Apple's Xcode 3.2! Neal Goldstein shows you how, and even illustrates the process with one of his own apps that's currently being sold. Even if you're not a programming pro, you can turn your bright idea into an app you can market, and Neal even shows you how to get it into the App Store!

# Mobile is different ? learn what makes a great app for mobile devices and how an iPhone app is structured
# What you need ? download the free Software Development Kit, start using Xcode, and become an "official" iPhone developer
# The nitty-gritty ? get the hang of frameworks and iPhone architecture
# Get busy with apps ? discover how to make Xcode work for you to support app development
# Off to the store ? get valuable advice on getting your apps into the App Store
# Want to go further? ? explore what goes into industrial-strength apps

Open the book and find:

# What it takes to become a registered Apple developer
# How to debug your app
# What's new in iPhone 3.1 and Xcode 3.2
# What goes into a good interface for a small device
# How applications work in the iPhone environment
# Why you must think like a user
# What the App Store expects of you
# What makes a great iPhone app

Visit the companion Web site at for source code and additional information on iPhone app development. 

Rajkumar Buyya, Kris Bubendorfer, "Market-Oriented Grid and Utility Computing"

 Wiley | 2009-10-26 | ISBN: 0470287683 |  

The first single-source reference covering the state of the art in grid and utility computing economy research

This book presents the first integrated, single-source reference on market-oriented grid and utility computing. Divided into four main parts—and with contributions from a panel of experts in the field—it systematically and carefully explores:

# Foundations—presents the fundamental concepts of market-oriented computing and the issues and challenges in allocating resources in a decentralized computing environment.
# Business models—covers business models for service providers and brokers supporting different types of distributed applications, as well as business rules-based models for managing virtual organizations and accounting operations and services in grid computing environments.
# Policies and agreements—introduces policies, agreements, and specifications for the negotiation and establishment of contracts between providers and consumers. It also covers different approaches for resource allocation based on service-level agreements (SLAs) and management of risks associated with SLA violations.
# Resource allocation and scheduling mechanisms—covers economic models, such as commodity models, reciprocation, auctions, and game theory, and middleware technologies, such as Nimrod/G and Gridbus, for market-oriented grid computing and utility-oriented resource allocation.

This book expertly captures the state of the art in the field while also identifying potential research directions and technologies that will facilitate the creation of global commercial grid and utility computing systems. It is an indispensable reference for systems architects, practitioners, developers, new researchers, and graduate students.

Thomas Myer, "Apple Automator with AppleScript Bible" 

 Wiley | 2009-11-16 | ISBN: 047052586X | 

One-stop reference helps you get the most out of AppleScript and Automator

One of the handiest ways to streamline your workload is to automate some of your most routine computer tasks. Mac users are lucky in that they have AppleScript and Automator automation tools built right in. This comprehensive guide shows you how to tap both these useful Mac features for Mac OS X and regularly perform such tasks as extracting unread e-mails from your Mail, scheduling workflows, and manually recording actions to create new automated routines.

# Brings you up to speed on Apple's built-in automation tools for Mac OS X, including a more thorough look at Automator than in many books, and shows you how you can automate many of your most repetitive or error-prone tasks
# Explains how to automate aspects of some of your favorite Mac features, such as iCal, Mail, iPhoto, iTunes, and iDVD
# Covers how to manipulate files and folders; work with PDFs, emails, and Web pages; schedule workflows; set up watch folders; create and use variables; manually record actions; and create AppleScripts that further automate functions

The instruction in this detailed guide will help you increase your productivity using Automator and AppleScript.

Macromedia Flash MX: Training from the Source

Publisher: Macromedia Press | ISBN: 0201794829 | 

With the introduction of Flash MX, the folks at Macromedia have transformed a pretty cool designer's tool for Web-based interaction into a full-fledged, professional-level application for developing sophisticated online content. Serious tools, however, typically require some serious instruction-and Flash MX is no exception. Luckily for you, there's Macromedia Flash: Training from the Source.
Using hands-on, project-based tutorials that you can tackle at your own pace, this invaluable reference provides the instruction you need to start designing professional-looking Web sites. Veteran author and Flash master Chrissy Rey takes you step-by-step through the development ofa complex Flash project, grounding you in the basics before moving on to more complex topics like ActionScripting and the use of video. In the process, she covers both the old and the new, including the revamped user interface, the text and graphic tools that make their debut in MX, and the brand-new Properties inspector. With Flash MX on your computer and Macromedia Flash: Training from the Source at your side, you're ready to take on the world of interactive online content. 

The Craft of Text Editing: Emacs for the Modern World 

 Publisher: Springer-Verlag | ISBN: 0387976167 | 

Never before has a book been published that describes the techniques and technology used in writing text editors, word processors and other software. Written for the working professional and serious student, this book covers all aspects of the task. The topics range from user psychology to selecting a language to implementing redisplay to designing the command set. More than just facts are involved, however, as this book also promotes insight into an understanding of the issues encountered when designing such software. After reading this book, you should have a clear understanding of how to go about writing text editing or word processing software. In addition, this book introduces the concepts and power of the Emacs-type of text editor. This type of editor can trace its roots to the first computer text editor written and is still by far the most powerful editor available.

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