L'orienté objet
L'orienté objet
Eyrolles | 2007-04-13 | ISBN: 2212120842 |
L'approche objet est enseignée dans les universités dès les premiers niveaux des cursus informatiques, car sa compréhension est le prérequis indispensable à toute pratique économe, fiable et élégante de la plupart des techniques informatiques qui en sont dérivées, depuis Java et Python, jusqu'à UML 2, en passant par C# et C++. L'objet par la pratique avec Python, Java, C# et C++ et PHP 5... en UML 2. Cette troisième édition de l'ouvrage L'orienté objet décortique l'ensemble des mécanismes de la programmation objet (classes et objets, interactions entre classes, envois de messages, encapsulation, héritage, polymorphisme, modélisation...) en les illustrant d'exemples empruntant aux technologies les plus populaires : Java 5 et C# 2, C++, Python, PHP 5, UML 2, mais aussi les services web, RMI, les bases de données objet et bien sûr les design patterns... Chaque chapitre est introduit par un dialogue vivant, à la manière du maître et de l'élève, et se complète de nombreux exercices en UML 2, Java 5, Python, PHP 5, C# 2 et C++. À qui s'adresse ce livre ? Ce livre sera lu avec profit par tous les étudiants de disciplines informatiques liées à l'approche objet (programmation orientée objet, modélisation UML, Java, Python, PHP 5, C# / C++...) et pourra être utilisé par leurs enseignants comme matériel de cours. Il est également destiné à tous les développeurs qui souhaitent approfondir leur compréhension des concepts objet sous-jacents au langage qu'ils utilisent.
PHP & MySQL For Dummies 3rd edition (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
PHP & MySQL For Dummies 3rd edition (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Publisher: For Dummies | ISBN: 0470096004 |
Build an online catalog and a members-only site. Everything you need to know to create a dynamic PHP and MySQL Web site! Been thinking of creating a high-quality interactive Web site? This book is just what you need to get started! Here's the fun and easy way(r) to develop a Web application in PHP 4, 5, or 6 and MySQL 5, test your software, enable your Web pages to display, change, and move database information, and much more.
Apprendre SQL avec MySQL : Avec 40 exercices corrigés
Apprendre SQL avec MySQL : Avec 40 exercices corrigés
Eyrolles (23 mars 2006) | ISBN: 2212119151 |
Apprendre SOL par la pratique. Tout particulièrement adapté aux étudiants, cet ouvrage permet de découvrir SOL et les bases de données à travers MySQL, le système de gestion de bases de données Open Source le plus populaire. Chaque notion importante est introduite à l'aide d'un exemple simple et pédagogique, et chaque chapitre se clôt par une série d'exercices (avec corrigés disponibles en ligne) qui permettront au lecteur de tester ses connaissances. Il apprendra ainsi comment déclarer, manipuler, faire évoluer et interroger des tables avec leurs différentes caractéristiques et éléments associés (contraintes d'intégrité et de vérification, index, séquences et vues). La gestion des utilisateurs avec leurs privilèges et la structure du dictionnaire des données sont également détaillées. Programmer avec MySQL. Tous les éléments du langage procédural de MySQL sont décrits avec précision (variables, structures de contrôles, interactions avec la base, transactions, sous-programmes, curseurs, gestion des exceptions, déclencheurs et SOL dynamique). L'ouvrage aborde enfin les moyens d'exploiter une base MySQL en programmant avec lava (API JDBC 3.0) ou via une interface Web de type PHP (extension mysqli). Ainsi, la connexion, l'extraction, la mise à jour, la gestion des séquences et la programmation de transactions sont clairement expliquées par le biais de ces deux langages. A qui s'adresse cet ouvrage ? A tous ceux qui souhaitent s'initier à SOL, à MySQL ou à la gestion de bases de données ; Aux développeurs Java et PHP qui souhaitent stocker leurs données.
PHP for Teens
PHP for Teens
Course Technology PTR | ISBN: 159863139X |
Don't limit the functionality of your web site! If you're ready to create interactive, dynamic pages for your site, then PHP for Teens is ready to show you how. You don't need any experience with PHP to begin. You'll learn everything you need to know along the way. The topics covered by PHP for Teens will get you up and running whether you're using a PC, a Mac®, or Linux®. You'll cover everything from basic design and introductory PHP concepts to variables, expressions, and operators. You'll also get a quick overview of HTML and PHP form design. Take control of your web site using the power of PHP!
Pratique de MySQL et PHP
Pratique de MySQL et PHP
Dunod | 25/02/2009 | ISBN: 2100523368 |
Ce livre s'adresse à tous les développeurs web, aux étudiants en informatique et à tous ceux qui veulent s'initier à la pratique de ces deux piliers du monde Open Source que sont MySQL et PHP.
Le principal objectif de ce livre est d'exposer de manière claire et précise les techniques utilisées pour la création de sites web interactifs avec MySQL et PHP.
Plutôt que de donner des recettes sans justification il cherche à expliquer au lecteur pourquoi et comment recourir à telle technique plutôt qu'à telle autre. Il lui permet ainsi de mieux assimiler ses connaissances et d'être capable de les réutiliser dans d'autres contextes.
Un site web complète ce livre avec des exemples, des liens, des compléments utiles et tout le code de l'application consacrée au cinéma qui sert d'exemple tout au long du livre.
Les trois premières éditions de cet ouvrage, qui est rapidement devenu le titre de référence en français sur MySQL et PHP, avaient été publiées par O'Reilly France.Cette quatrième édition s'enrichit d'un nouveau chapitre sur les environnements de programmation PHP/MySQL et introduit notamment le Zend Framework.
Public :
Chefs de projet web, Développeurs bases de données. Développeurs web. Etudiants en informatique.
Au sommaire
* Programmation web avec MySQL et PHP
* Conception et création d'un site
* Compléments
* Annexes
Joomla! Template Design: Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide
Joomla! Template Design: Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide: A complete guide for web designers to all aspects ... Joomla!
1.0.8 PHP Content Management System by Tessa Blakeley Silver
Publisher: Packt Publishing (June 29, 2007) | ISBN: 1847191444 |
A complete guide for web designers to all aspects of designing unique website templates for the free Joomla! 1.0.8 PHP Content Management System
* Create Joomla! Templates for your sites
* Debug, validate, and package your templates
* Tips for tweaking existing templates
In Detail
Joomla! is a free, award-winning content management system written in PHP that allows users to easily publish their content on the World Wide Web and intranets. It is used all over the world for everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications. Joomla! is easy to install, simple to manage, and reliable.
The Joomla! template is a series of files within the Joomla! CMS that control the presentation of the content. The template is the basic foundation design for viewing your Joomla! website. To produce the effect of a "complete" website, the template works hand in hand with the content stored in the Joomla! databases.
This book will help you build templates for your Joomla! site. It will help you understand the options in dealing with them. It will help you learn about how to use multiple templates in the same site. It will advise you on creating beautiful Joomla! designs, and using CSS rather than tables in your templates. The book guides you on using animations and other effects in Joomla! templates and provides you with tricks for tweaking existing templates.
What you will learn from this book?
* Set up a basic workflow for Joomla! template design
* Work on layouts for your template
* Debug and validate your template code
* Use the W3C's XHTML and CSS validation tools
* Package up your finished template into a working ZIP file
* Know the standard XHTML markup and CSS classes for Joomla!
* Create Suckerfish drop-down menus
* Get Flash content quickly into your Joomla! site
* Create interactive and dynamic forms in your Joomla! site
* Download and install Joomla! Extensions for your Joomla! site
* Use the wrapper (Wrapper Menu Item) for fully working Ajax applications
This book covers the "how-tos" of creating templates for Joomla. There is also advice about what works and what to consider when working with your Joomla! template.
Who this book is written for?
This book is aimed at web designers who want to create their own unique templates for Joomla!. Readers should have basic knowledge of Joomla! (which can be obtained by working through Building Websites with Joomla!) and also some knowledge of CSS and HTML, and using Dreamweaver for coding purposes.
About the Author
Tessa Blakeley Silver
Tessa Blakeley Silver's background is in print design and traditional illustration. She evolved over the years into web and multi-media development, where she focuses on usability and interface design. Prior to starting her consulting and development company hyper3media (pronounced hyper-cube media) hyper3media.com, Tessa was the VP of Interactive Technologies at eHigherEducation, an online learning and technology company developing compelling multimedia simulations, interactions, and games that met online educational requirements like 508, AICC, and SCORM. She has also worked as a consultant and freelancer for J. Walter Thompson and The Diamond Trading Company (formerly known as DeBeers) and was a Design Specialist and Senior Associate for PricewaterhouseCoopers' East Region Marketing department. Tessa authors several design and web technology blogs. Joomla! Template Design is her first book.
Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites
Robin Nixon "Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites"
O'Reilly Media, Inc. | English | 2009-07-22 | ISBN: 0596157134 |
If you know HTML, this guide will have you building interactive websites quickly. You'll learn how to create responsive, data-driven websites with PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript, regardless of whether you already know how to program. Discover how the powerful combination of PHP and MySQL provides an easy way to build modern websites complete with dynamic data and user interaction. You'll also learn how to add JavaScript to create rich Internet applications and websites.
Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript explains each technology separately, shows you how to combine them, and introduces valuable web programming concepts, including objects, XHTML, cookies, and session management. You'll practice what you've learned with review questions in each chapter, and find a sample social networking platform built with the elements introduced in this book.
This book will help you:
• Understand PHP essentials and the basics of object-oriented programming
• Master MySQL, from database structure to complex queries
• Create web pages with PHP and MySQL by integrating forms and other HTML features
• Learn about JavaScript, from functions and event handling to accessing the Document Object Model
• Use libraries and packages, including the Smarty web template system, PEAR program repository, and the Yahoo! User Interface Library
• Make Ajax calls and turn your website into a highly dynamic environment
• Upload and manipulate files and images, validate user input, and secure your applications
Drupal 5 Views Recipes
Marjorie Roswell "Drupal 5 Views Recipes"
PP | English | 2009-06-15 | ISBN: 1847196969 |
94 recipes to develop custom content displays for your Drupal web site
• Display particular types of content in unique and compelling ways on your Drupal web site
• Enhance your web site with calendars, timelines, galleries, maps, podcasts, Views Fusion, and more
• Indispensable resources for Drupal 5 Administrators - Drupal Administration Menu, Views Bulk Operations, ModuleInfo, and Editable Fields modules
• More than 90 recipes - pick the ones that work best for your web site
In Detail
The Drupal View modules give you flexibility and freedom to customize the display of your web site's content. Although there are more than 100 views-enabled modules, few site administrators use Drupal Views to its full potential.
This book will enable you to realize the fullest potential of this powerful resource by providing a wide variety of powerful recipes for creating and displaying a wide variety of views - essential classics you will use again and again to innovative display methods that will make your Drupal site stand out. Pick and choose the ones you would like to prepare for your web site.
In this book you will find ninety-four recipes to create a wide selection of views. The list includes event listings, interactive calendars and timelines, maps, proximity search, podcasting, carousels, Views Fusion, and many more. You will also explore default views, views with CCK, and master a variety of ways to associate views with related content.
Most people think of Views for site visitors. But Views can also be handy for site administrators. You will get to know the Views Bulk Operations module, along with Editable Fields, and Views Custom Fields. (You'll probably wonder why you never used them before!)
If you want to take Views to the next level, the book contains a code-rich chapter on theming. However, you will find most of the recipes detailed by the author do not require any original coding at all.
As you progress through the recipes, you will be immersed in such Drupal Views topics as fields, arguments, filters, exposed filters, sorting, style plug-ins, formatters, cloning and copying views.
Because Drupal is a worldwide and ever adapting system, the author also includes great tips and resources for navigating the online Drupal community and expanding your knowledge of the recipes.
Finally, there is an extensive Appendix, which includes listings of all default views, formatters and style plug-ins for Drupal 5, along with a categorized list of patches.
What you will learn from this book?
• Master the Views User Interface
• Create views arguments
• Implement and create default views for recent comments, the frontpage, group listings, and more
• Explore a variety of ways to associate views with related content
• Display event listings, calendars, and timelines
• Make site administration easier using several administration modules
• Enhance your web site with Google Map tools, YouTube video bar, photo gallery, audio, and Views Fast Search
• Enable your users to flag and bookmark content for later viewing
• Incorporate views into panels and tabs
• Create a directory of available theme functions, and learn some key debugging strategies
• Use theme overrides and CSS to create more attractive views
• Fix the long-standing taxonomy term bug, and the body field Views display issue
• Create and apply patches
• Create some helpful browser buttons and search plug-ins to facilitate finding information online
This book will give you a long list of powerful recipes. Choose the ones that suit your needs and use them through step-by-step instructions. Most of the recipes are code-free, but a number of the recipes contain code snippets.
Who this book is written for?
This book is primarily written for Drupal site builders, administrators, and themers who want to develop custom content displays using Views. It can be used by anyone who has a Drupal 5 web site, including original site developers as well as people who have inherited a Drupal 5 site.
Some knowledge of HTML and CSS is required; PHP basics will be handy for some of the recipes.
Symfony - Mieux développer en PHP avec Symfony 1.2 et doctrine
Symfony - Mieux développer en PHP avec Symfony 1.2 et doctrine
Eyrolles | ISBN:2212124941 | 2009 | Reconnu dans le monde pour sa puissance et son élégance, Symfony est issu de plus de dix ans de savoir-faire. Le framework open source de Sensio fédère une très forte communauté de développeurs PHP professionnels.
Il leur offre des outils et un environnement MVC pour créer des applications web robustes, maintenables et évolutives. Au fil d'une démarche rigoureuse et d'un exemple concret d'application web 2.0, ce cahier décrit le bon usage des outils Symfony mis à la disposition du développeur : de l'architecture MVC et autres design patterns à l'abstraction de base de données et au mapping objet-relationnel avec Doctrine, en passant par les tests unitaires et fonctionnels, la gestion des URL, des formulaires ou du cache, l'internationalisation ou encore la génération des interfaces d'administration
php|architect's Guide to PHP Security
php|architect's Guide to PHP Security
Marco Tabini & Associates, Inc. | September 5, 2005 | ISBN: 0973862106 | 200 pages | PDF | 5 MB
Security is a hot topic these days, with new exploits and patches released on a daily basis for all sorts of operating systems and applications.
Recently, the security bubble has expanded to touch the PHP world, and several well-known applications have been the target of a great number of attacks.
Despite all the negative publicity, however, PHP is and remains a very stable--and very secure--programming environment. php|architect's Guide to PHP Security, written by security expert (and frequent php|architect contributor) Ilia Alshanetsky, provides you with a guide that covers everything you need to secure existing PHP applications and write new ones with security in mind.
* Provides techniques for both PHP 4 and PHP 5
* Includes a step-by-step guide to securing your applications
* Provides comprehensive coverage of security design
* Teaches you how to defend yourself from hackers
* Shows you how to distract hackers with a "tar pit" to help you fend off potential attacks
Rather than drowning you in overlong explanations, this book focuses on providing you with accurate information on proper security techniques, and showing you a step-by-step approach to writing applications that are stable, secure and reliable.